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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Pet Masterbatches

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We are trusted Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of PET Masterbatches. Clients can avail FDA approved PET Masterbatches from us that have exceptional color strength and transparency. Unlike traditional pigment / dye technology, our offered premium quality PET Masterbatches can be used for formulation a huge variety of bright & rich shades. Color brilliancy and low dosage levels are also the prominent features that make our PET Masterbatches high on demand. 

Used For Making :

Mineral Water Bottles
Pharmaceutical Bottles
Household & Cosmetic Bottles
Beverage Bottles
Oil Bottles
Chemical Bottles
Beauty Products
Pesticide Bottles
Food Packaging
Injection Moudling Trays & Tubs
PET Strapping
Polyester Stapl
PET Film & Extruded Sheet

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Additive Masterbatches, Additives For Plastic, Antifab Master Batches, Antioxidants Additive Master Batches, Asian White Master Batches, Black Masterbatches, Blood Red Master Batches, Boost Red Master Batches, Bopp Masterbatches, Brilliant Red Master Batches, Cling Additive Masterbatches, Colour Masterbatches, Colour Pigament, Colour Pigament For Plastic, Conductive Masterbatches, Conductive Plastic Compounds, Cpp Masterbatches, Filled Compounds, Filler Masterbatches, Flame Retardant Masterbatches, Fluorescent Masterbatches, Fragrance Masterbatches, Marble Masterbatches, Master Batches, Metallic Masterbatches, Mold Red Master Batches, Nucleating Additive Masterbatches, P. P. Filled Compounds, Pearl Scent Masterbatches, Pet Masterbatches, Pigment Black, Pigments For Plastic, Plastic Additives, Plastic Colours, Plastic Master Batches, Plastic Pigments, Plasticizers, Polypropylene Masterbatches, Pp Masterbatches For Fibre, Ppa Additive Master Batches, Purging Compounds, Pvc Additives, Pvc Stabilisers, Ratna White Master Batches, Red Masterbatches, Retardant Master Batches, Single Pigment Concentrate Masterbatches, Single Pigment Concentrates, Slip Additive Master Batches, Sp Lamination White Master Batches, Special Effect Masterbatches, Thermoplastic Fine Powder, White Granules, White Master Batches